

President of the Republic Of Poland
Andrzej Duda
Kancelaria Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
ul. Wiejska 10
00-902 Warszawa

Dear Mr President of the Republic Of Poland, Andrzej Duda,

Dear Mr Prime Minister of the Republi Of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki,

We express our firm objection to the destructive and harmful rhethoric and actions, used for the sole purpose of intimidating the nonheteronormative community and the people advocating for their rights.

We stand against violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

We call upon the Polish authorities to ensure that the nonheteronormative community is free to exercise the rights, guaranteed to all of us, including the freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest.

The government and the officials acting on its behalf, have an obligation to act in accordance to the law and to respect human rights. They cannot abuse their power and reach for unnecessary and disproportionate means and actions, intended to intimidate and discourage the exercise of human rights.

It is the government's duty to uphold and protect these guarantees and to ensure that in case of abuse of power or offense, the perpetrators will be held responsible for their actions.

