
za zastavenie obmedzovania prístupu k legálnym interrupciám

Prime minister
Mateusz Morawiecki

Dear Prime Minister.

The Polish Parliament is about to consider a bill to amend the 1993 Law on Family Planning (abortion law) with the view of ban severe or fatal foetus impairment from the permitted grounds for termination of pregnancies. If passed this proposal would impose further limitations to the already restricted access to safe and legal abortion in Poland.

Severe or fatal foetal impairments are serious medical conditions which often mean that the foetus may not survive birth, or for very long after birth. According to official statistics the majority of abortions in Poland are carried out on these grounds.

If passed into law, this proposal will violate women’s and girls’ human rights including their right to life, health and to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or and degrading treatment or punishment other ill treatment, as well as their right to privacy, to information and to equality and non-discrimination. The bill would have devastating consequences for the rights of women and girls in Poland who will have to travel abroad for a termination or resort to unsafe abortions in the country in turn risking their lives and health.

For the reasons I urge you to reject and not to support the proposed changes to the legislation which would pose serious implications for the women and girls who live in Poland, violating their fundamental human rights. I urge you also to bring the country into compliance with international human rights obligations for women and girls.
